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Get IPFS CID back from uploader and invoke RECORDING_END trigger

Eli Mallon requested to merge ip/ipfs-hack into catalyst

Created by: cyberj0g

An ugly, but fully functional, hack to get back IPFS CID from catalyst-uploader and fire RECORDING_END trigger through log handling functions. Hope it's a good starting point to spec out a proper implementation of handling uploader output. Worst case it can be merged, if we need IPFS output tomorrow.

Catalyst issue:

Important: MP4 "streaming" is not currently supported by Mist, so this is tested with FLV output.


  1. Add autopush to mist.conf, using Pinata JWT auth token
  "autopushes": [
  1. Add RECORDING_END trigger ( is a convenient service for that)
    "handler": "",
    "sync": false
  1. Push:
ffmpeg -re -i bbb/source_000.ts -c:a copy -c:v copy -f flv rtmp://localhost/live/test
  1. Get CID from callback and watch (it takes about 5 mins for gateway URL to become available)
ffplay "" 

CC: @yondonfu @victorges

Merge request reports
